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Privacy Notice and Consent for Collection of Personal Information
By providing your mobile number and email address, you consent to Buell Motorcycles collecting, storing, and using this information for the purpose of processing your order deposit of a motorcycle and for communicating with you regarding your order and other relevant information.
1. Collection of Personal Information
We collect your mobile number and email address as part of the order deposit process for your motorcycle. This information is necessary to manage your order, communicate with you about the status of your order, and provide updates or promotional offers related to your purchase.
2. Use of Personal Information
Your personal information will be used solely for the purposes of processing your order, providing customer support, and sending you updates about your order. We may also use your contact information to send you marketing communications about our products, services, or special offers. You can opt out of receiving marketing communications at any time by following the unsubscribe instructions provided in these communications.